
Mtg manaless dredge legacy
Mtg manaless dredge legacy

Phantasmagorian lets you discard excess cards and dredgers you’ve picked back up, while the suite of creatures like Narcomoeba that recur themselves from the grave do the bulk of the heavy lifting for the deck. You just want to discard to hand size, preferably discarding one of the Dredgers in the list or Phantasmagorian. The manaless part is no joke, as the list doesn’t run a single land. Lets take a peak under the hood at how it works. It comes in at a measly 27 tix, which is pretty rad if you ask me. (though this does appear to be a slightly different one than the one they ran yesterday) Vidieowiz4′s list has a much cheaper side board and still does all of the things the deck is supposed to do. Which would arguably be a budget list for Legacy anyways, but in reality about 140 tix of that is in the sideboard. Normally Manaless Dredge runs about 170 tix, or like 700 dollars. It placed second in the Legacy Challenge we played in, being piloted by the person I can only assume was the one who made it so cheap, vidieowiz4. I’ve been dabbling some in Legacy recently, and wanted to highlight a budget deck that I got wrecked by yesterday.

Mtg manaless dredge legacy